低能九劉政府濫媒駐外的九流白癡遜咖記者..還有傻笑的嘞 看!
小葉 0205
真的替台灣媒體文化感到可恥,除了政治操弄,媒體人不自愛的行為 ,仗著新聞自由,而加害一名認真上進的台灣女牙醫。今天陳幸妤在美發飆,丟臉的並不是陳幸妤,而是這些不及格又愛拍馬屁的台灣記者。台灣人需要的是有深度的國際新聞,而非這種下三濫手法刺激弱女子以博取版面的惡質新聞題材。(lemon5554 台大材料博士班學生)
Chen Hsin-yu Screaming Again
(02/03/2009) (Apple Daily) When former ROC president Chen Shui-bian's daughter Chen Hsin-yu arrived in the United States of America, she told the reporters that she was there to take a Dentist Examination and therefore they can talk to her afterwards. Today, she finished taking that examination. When she came out, she stood in the street and yelled at the media for almost 20 minutes.
Chen Hsin-yu said that she did not do well in this examination because of the media laid down a siege. "How can I do well when I feel so bad?" When the reporters asked her when she will return to Taiwan, she said: "You already know about my return airplane ticket and everything else. Why are you still asking me anything?" She was almost in tears when she yelled aloud: "I am here in New York! I wanted to say that I was going to do some sightseeing after taking the exam. But where can I go now if you are going to follow me around 24 hours a day? I was besieged in Taiwan for six months! Is every day very special? Is every day very special? I was besieged for a whole six months. Every day, without exception. Every day!" Finally she said: "Nothing happens to the person who holds an American passport. I am the daughter of Chen Shui-bian and I deserve to be trampled under food. Nobody cares if I get trampled to death. What did I do wrong!"
陳幸妤紐約街頭怒飆20分鐘 旁人側目
里昂:今年台灣GDP-11% 新加坡韓國也衰退
(中央社記者葉代芝台北4日電)里昂證券 (CLSA) 下調亞太區經濟成長率 (GDP)預估值,估台灣今年經濟成長率較去年衰退達11%,預估韓國、新加坡今年經濟成長率也將較去年衰退7%、10%。
里昂證券下調亞太區GDP(國內生產毛額)預估值,估台灣今年GDP -11%;台灣因為出口和投資都衰退,恐影響民間消費力道,預估台灣出口和投資將分別一路衰退到明年第2、3季。
里昂台灣區研究部主管蘇廷翰 (Peter Sutton)相信,政府會出面協助企業紓困,2月14日茂德可轉換公司債 (CB)到期就是最好的觀察點;雖然紓困重擔多數落在台灣銀行和國發基金,但仍建議避開金融股。
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 23:51
陳幸妤在紐約 Chen Hsing-yu lashes out at reporters in New York