論壇寫手果真鐵血忠貞....丟中還得了!? 台下響起了經久不息的掌聲 掌聲響起來!!當年馬囧去請登輝伯起床時被丟雞蛋..那回就準多了


中國人民反應 Chinese Reactions To The Shoe Throwing Incident (02/03/2009)

A human rights protester was in police custody Monday after throwing a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during a speech at Cambridge University.

The shoe landed several meters from the premier and the man was quickly apprehended by security and handed over to police for questioning on suspicion of committing a public order offence, according to witnesses.

A student who witnessed the incident told CNN that the man had stood up and shouted, "Why are you prostituting yourself? How can you listen to the lies he is telling?"

Cameras filming the speech remained fixed on Wen during the incident, but video images later showed an unidentified student being escorted out of the building by a university proctor.

... The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said of the incident: "The Chinese side has expressed its strong feelings against the occurrence of the incident. The British side said that they are very sorry that the incident should have happened and the person will be dealt with according to law. Facts have shown that the despicable behavior of the perpetrator is extremely unpopular and can in no way stem the tide of the growing friendly relations and cooperation between China and Britain."




(鐵血論壇 Tiexue BBS) [Note: This is a website with a heavy militaristic, nationalistic flavor, so the question of interest is whether they allow a backlash against the United Kingdom in the way that the assault on Jin Jing in Paris led to a boycott of Carrefour.]

Right, China is really so much stronger than before, and it will continue to be stronger! The Chinese people are filled with confidence from top down. China wasn't like that before!

We the Chinese people under the leadership of the Chinese government are friendly to the people of the world, and we have never invaded any other country or harmed other people's interests. We the Chinese people do not accept this unwarranted intrusion.

This type of people who oppose everything for the sake of opposing is like a small particle of sand by the seaside. When someone steps over him, he declares proudly: "Look, I pricked the bottom of the foot!" But the foot does not feel anything, he can oppose whatever he feels like opposing. In these dire times, nations have to cooperate with each other and this is also the inevitable path of progress for mankind. It does not matter how you smear the system and the democracy of China, the prosperity of China will continue apace. The test of time will show that this disturbance/protest is just a laughing stock.

The esteemed Premier demonstrated the self-confidence of China. China is becoming increasingly self-confident. The rise in power of China will only create even greater self-confidence.

Is this the so-called western democracy?
Interrupting the speech of a Premier who is deeply beloved in his own country?
And this took place on the campus of the famous Cambridge University?
Is this how you treat a visiting Chinese head of state?
Is this the so-called Empire where the sun never sets?
Is this a nation that that boasts that it has many western gentlemen?
Oh, England! So is this what your true character is?
Oh, Great BZritain! You turn out to be the land of hooligans!

Do you know how to imitate Iraq? A shoe was thrown in Baghdad, and an imitation act of shoe-throwing also took place in Cambridge! This fully shows the arrogance of western "democracy"! Sigh, these beasts are hopeless! Their intelligence quotient is zero because their protest style has no creativity!

This is an awkward imitation. Bush was the occupier of Iraq and he invited himself to Baghdad, and therefore he was not welcomed. Premier Wen came to visit. If you British people do not welcome him, you should say so and he can pass you by just like he bypassed France. Once he is here, he is a guest. It was rude and uncivilized to treat a guest this way.

The crusaders imitate the Islamists by throwing a shoe. Aren't they afraid that their God would be angry? The world is so hypocritical ... I cant bear to watch it.

Premier Wen is a Chinese leader and nobody except for the Chinese people can throw a shoe at him. The action by the white people is a grave insult to the people of China.

I was just watching Hong Kong TV news and the speech by Wen Jiabao was censored. At the time, I was wondering if Wen Jiabao got the Bush treatment. Now I know that it was just a loud interjection. This is normal. It would be normal if nothing happened.

What are they doing? The CCTV News Channel was showing the whole speech live yesterday. Those local stations are behind the times when they still try to impose blackouts!

At other Chinese forums, discussion of this incident seems to be banned. So netizens are bringing back the previous posts on the Baghdad incident and using the comments.

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    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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