I0446;50999 694277 25
01. Everyone's At It 每個人都沉迷其中
02. The Fear 沒在怕
03. Not Fair 不公平
04. 22 22
05. I Could Say 可以這麼說
06. Back To The Start 回到原點
07. Never Gonna Happen 永不實現
08. Fuck You 去你的
Fuck You - Lily Allen
Look inside, look inside your tiny mind
and look a bit harder
cause we’re so uninspired
so sick and tired
of all the hatred you harbor
so you say it’s not okay to be gay
well I think you’re just evil
you’re just some racist who can’t tie my laces
你是個種族主義豬 連來拍我馬屁都還不夠格
you’re point of view is marked evil
你的腦袋 還活在好幾個世紀之前吧
Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause we hate what you do
and we hate your whole crew
so please don’t stay in touch
fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause your words don’t translate
and it’s getting quite late
so please don’t stay in touch
do you get, do you get a little kick out of being small-minded?
you want to be like your father
it’s approval you’re after
well that’s not how you’ll find it
do you, do you really enjoy living a life that’s so hateful
cause there’s a hole where your soul should be
you’re losing control of it
and it’s really distasteful
Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause we hate what you do
and we hate your whole crew
so please don’t stay in touch
fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause your words don’t translate
and it’s getting quite late
so please don’t stay in touch
Look inside, look inside your tiny mind
and look a bit harder
cause we’re so uninspired
so sick and tired
of all the hatred you harbor
Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause we hate what you do
and we hate your whole crew
so please don’t stay in touch
fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause your words don’t translate
and it’s getting quite late
so please don’t stay in touch
09. Who'd Have Known 誰會知道
10. Chinese 中國菜
11. Him 祂
12. He Wasn't There 他不在
首支單曲〈沒在怕The Fear〉,空降本週全英單曲榜冠軍!
1. Lily Allen - The Fear
(Regal Recordings)
2. Lady Gaga - Just Dance
3. Kid Cudi Vs Crookers - Day 'n' Nite
4. Tinchy Stryder Ft Taio Cruz - Take Me Back
(4th & Broadway)
5. James Morrison/Nelly Furtado - Broken Strings
UK native Lily Allen dropped her debut album "Alright, Still" back in 06'. About 3 years, a grammy nomination, and over 3,300,000 copies worldwide later Lily is back for more.
First single "The Fear" has already proven to be a great choice peaking to #1 on the UK singles Chart. As for the album, after going threw it twice already, I am reminded why I liked her in the first place. She stuck with what she knows best but it's clear that she has grown as an artist and songwriter. Giving us a lot more personal tracks as well as a political attack. The album failed to disappoint and with every listen it's growing on me even more. check it out and BUY YOUR COPY FEBRUARY 9TH(UK), 10TH(US) ,17TH(TAIWAN)!!
Although the feisty wit and bubbly pop-smarts of Lily Allen's smash debut are in evidence here, this 2009 follow-up reflects the life lessons and musical growth that have occurred in the meantime. Produced and co-written by the Bird and the ... Full DescriptionBee's Greg Kurstin, and features the single "The Fear."Spin (p.78) - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "IT'S NOT ME, IT'S YOU dials down the sass in favor of sincere self-reflection and a greater grasp of morning-after consequences."
◎ 風格偶像、搞怪性感、時尚流行、不羈前衛、特例獨行… 音樂就是有態度!
◎ 四首排行單曲、五項大獎提名、六白金認證、全球250萬張銷售,全英「排行嗆辣公主」2009全新嗆辣猛碟。
◎ 全美音樂鬼才Greg Kurstin再度合作,解剖荒誕兩性政治與社會現實、激盪全新節奏風格!
◎ 收錄空降全英單曲榜冠軍、從自身經驗出發的首支諷世單曲〈The Fear〉及〈Fuck You〉、〈Not Fair〉、〈22〉...等。
◎ 內附中英歌詞;加強型光碟,可連結上網,下載獨家單曲、自製混音與線上打怪!
從流行旋風、女生代言人、時尚設計與風格偶像、限制級的性感搞怪、MySpace部落格女王,再到狗仔隊獵物與排行小公主...等等,這些都是莉莉艾倫Lily Allen的稱號。
2006年開始,莉莉艾倫以〈Smile〉(UK#1)、〈LDN〉(UK#6)、〈Littlest Things〉(UK#21)、〈Alfie / Shame for You〉(UK#15)等單曲,震撼英國流行樂壇。在她光鮮亮麗與天真無邪的外表下,莉莉艾倫卻將個人自傳與對社會病態的寫實觀察,大辣辣地化為歌詞與旋律,不斷挑戰每個保守世代的感官神經。率真卻又刻薄、元氣十足中又帶點冷嘲熱諷,讓她首張專輯《好膽ㄇㄞˋ走Alright, Still》光在英國便勇破六白金銷售、並勇奪全英音樂獎五項提名!此外,首張專輯更勇闖大西洋另一岸,高掛全美告示牌Billboard流行專輯榜前20名。就在首張專輯全球累計銷售大破250萬張之際,卻也為排行小公主,引來無數的後輩抄襲和狗仔中傷。
然而,這兩年多來的惡意中傷與仇恨攻擊,卻也成為莉莉艾倫新輯《干我屁事It's Not Me, It's You》製作的最佳靈感,她說:「我發現要寫些無所事事的歌曲還真難!」「我試著寫一些跟我的人生有關的東西,而我的人生偏偏就是很奇怪與荒誕不經。但我也相信這些人生遭遇,也普遍存在每個人的生活裡。」在這張耗時一年多創作錄製的全新專輯裡,莉莉艾倫再度和全美音樂鬼才葛瑞格克斯汀Greg Kurstin合作,激盪出更跳與更加成熟的全新節奏風格!
新專輯《It's Not Me, It's You》延續莉莉艾倫引人發噱的歌詞特質與顛覆觀點,再度解剖玩味現今社會裡的荒誕不經!在聽似跳躍快樂的節奏旋律裡,莉莉艾倫將她的筆觸擴及諸多議題,包括:諷刺上流社會中、狗仔傳媒與名人間交互消費的首支單曲〈The Fear〉,大賞種族主義與性別保守者兩大耳光的爆笑作品〈Fuck You〉,大書特書社會黑暗現實與性別失衡的作品〈22〉、火辣直言毒品「普及」各世代的作品〈Everyone's At It〉、好奇上帝每日無事作為的作品〈Him〉、探討鑰匙兒童與電視晚餐的作品〈Chinese〉,諷刺男人自大卻又早洩、遭逢情變卻又拒絕認清的兩首話題作品〈Not Fair〉與〈Never Gonna Happen〉,以及討論少女過早浪漫情懷的作品〈Who'd Have Known〉...等。
Lily Allen Dressed as Little Bo Peep And Flashing Her Ass
Source: http://www.gutteruncensored.com/
British singer Lily Allen stunned fans at a recent gig by showing off her new toned body (for Lily Allen this is pretty tone) in a skimpy blue Agent Provocateur (slut wear) playsuit and stockings, she decided it was time to get showy. Lily Allen performed at G-A-Y Heaven on the night of January 31 in London wearing a electric blue Little Bo Peep costume and stockings, a frilly top, lacy knickers and matching blue stockings with towering beige platform heels then changing to an purple air hostess outfit.

Lily Rose Beatrice Allen (born May 2, 1985 in Hammersmith, London, England) is an English singer-songwriter and television chat show host. Best-known for her songs, "Smile" and "LDN", Allen is the daughter of actor/musician Keith Allen and film producer Alison Owen. Allen also hosts her own BBC Three talk show Lily Allen and Friends.