Label: Names
Genre: Folk
Str Date: 2009/2/16
1. Dry Grass & Shadows 3:11
2. White As Diamonds 3:36
3. Age Old Blue 3:59
4. To Be Still 5:26
White As Diamonds - Alela Diane
5. Take Us Back 4:43
6. The Alder Trees 3:27
7. My Brambles 4:58
8. The Ocean 3:42
9. Every Path 4:12
10. Tatted Lace 4:47
11. Lady Divine 5:12
全名Alela Diane Menig,1983年4月20號出生於美國加利福尼亞州,對於這個年輕的女歌手,他的事業才剛算得上小荷才露尖尖角。由於他溫柔的聲音,以及別樣的音樂氣質,被人稱為篝火般的福音(campfire gospel)。
Alela這樣的才女,父母是音樂家,在讀書的時候開始自學吉他,並經常在學校裏各種各樣的活動中表演,2003年,自己一手包辦了自己的處女專輯《Forest Parade》以及2004年第二張《The Pirate's Gospel》,可見其實力非同一般...直到2006年Alela才通過唱片公司發布了自己第一張正式專輯《The Pirate’s Gospel》,並獲得了很不錯的評價。
《To Be Still》是Alela的第二張正式專輯,一如既往的Folk風,他有著非常優美婉轉的聲線,給人一種恍惚之美。聽Alela的歌,就想置身於秋季,充滿成熟的芬芳,甚至是一些滄桑;有時候是一絲溫暖,有時候卻有一些淒涼;我並不能給以最准確的形容,就想我先前所提到的那樣,恍惚,一種無法安定的流浪氣質,真的就如同篝火一般,給人們寂寞的夜晚帶來溫暖和光明,卻永遠沒有安定之日。
Nevada City/ Portland: The Northern Parts,
United States
Alela's 'pirates gospel' was our album of the year for 2006,and it seems that she has surpassed even that with this amazing album. where 'pirate's gospel' benefited from a bare bones production that emphasized her powerful voice, the fuller and more varied sounds here help bring the strength of her songwriting to the fore.alela's remarkable voice remains a joy; she can let loose with gale force when she wants to and can reign it in with a ghostly, mournful style at other times. those little songbird curlicues she adds in the midst of a melody are heart-aching and beautiful.