Label: Charmed
Genre: Alternative
September 29, 2008
Str Date: 2009/2/23


生於英國城市格拉斯哥的全能創作型歌手Ann West有著非比尋常的演藝生涯。她曾經環遊世界從Kauai到印度,現在正在懷揣並追逐著登台唱歌的雄心大志。最近她便發行了她的第一首單曲“Missed It Again”並與Richard Fammeree和Frank Myers一塊創作。她的首張專輯《Confidante》將要在今年二月發行。當你大腦疲勞需要休息的時候,可以放鬆來談論一下Ann和她生活以外的東西,還有她的音樂以及即將發行的新專輯。

現在國外對於另類風格的歌手都是兩種解釋,一種是獨立略顯放縱,而另一種就是放縱略顯獨立,那麼到底哪種更適合大眾的口味呢?這就沒有統一的說法了。Ann West 她的演唱風格更為接近於第一種的解釋,然而我們卻聽不出有太多不適合現在主流音樂的味道。

United Kingdom

She has been a model, a TV and radio talk show host in Hawaii, a doctor of metaphysics, an author, and to top it all off she's now an incredible singer-songwriter. Baffled?! Well don't be! Glasgow-born multi-talented singer-songwriter Ann West has had an extraordinary career. She's travelled the world from Kauai to India and is now pursuing her long-held ambition to sing. She recently released her debut single Missed It Again, co-written with Richard Fammeree and Frank Myers. Her debut album "Confidante" will be released in February this year. So if your head's not spinning already, kick back as we talk to Ann and discover more about her life, her music and her forthcoming album.

01. Ben Nevis (3:56)
02. Missed It Again (3:56)

Missed It Again - Ann West

03. Monkey Off My Back (4:01)
04. Confidante (3:48)
05. I Believe (2:54)
06. Writing On The Wall (3:29)
07. Ibiza (2:57)
08. Sebastian (3:32)
09. No Wonder (3:59)
10. In The Name Of Peace (4:08)
11. On This Island (4:21)

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