南韓女演員尹恩惠有望出演新劇《lady castle》,重返闊別兩年之久的電視螢屏。據尹恩惠的經紀公司負責人在20日上午透露,尹恩惠已經與《lady castle》製作公司就出演費等達成一致,不久後就將正式簽約。
《lady castle》講述了一家三姐妹圍繞著父親留下來的遺產所發生的故事。因為該劇是尹恩惠在2007年8月落幕的《咖啡王子一號店》之後首次重返螢屏,因此雖然還沒有確定什麼時候開播,卻已經在眾多觀眾中成為了話題。
據悉《lady castle》製作公司在去年因給樸信陽過高的出演費而被韓國電視劇製作協會制裁,禁止該公司的作品在韓國三大電視臺播出,因此《lady castle》目前還沒有確定在哪一個電視臺播出。據一名知情人士透露,為了順利進行新劇《lady castle》的拍攝,該公司已經開始著手與韓國電視劇製作協會進行和解,有望將在不久後就能被解除禁令。而據一名尹恩惠的好友透露,根據尹恩惠與《lady castle》製作公司的協議,如果《lady castle》最終還是不能在三大電視臺播出,那麼尹恩惠有權取消合約。
Yoon Eun Hye Impending Drama Comeback With Lady Castle
January 20, 2009 by coolsmurf
According to Company of the House today, Yoon Eun Hye has agreed to appear in Lady Castle and will be inking the contract shortly with Lee Kim Productions. This will be her comeback drama after Coffee Prince 1st Shop.
Lady Castle revolves around a family of 3 sisters (Eun Hye is the 2nd sister) and the inheritance left behind by their father. The broadcast station is yet to be determined, but it has already generated interest among many fans because of her stellar performance in her last drama Coffee Prince 1st Shop.
Lee Kim Productions who is producing Lady Castle is the one that caused Park Shin Yang to be suspended indefinitely by the Korea Television Drama Production Company Association last year after they refused to pay his unpaid wages. This has also led to a ban for future dramas under Lee Kim Productions to be shown on the 3 major Korean tv broadcasting stations and is the main reason for the delay over which tv station will Lady Castle be shown on.
Lee Kim Productions is now in talks with the Korea Television Drama Production Company Association and is hopeful that the ban will be lifted soon. Should there be a break down in talks resulting in Lady Castle being unable to be broadcast on the 3 major Korean broadcasting stations, then Yoon Eun Hye has the right to void the drama contract offer without any penalty at all.
According to Lee Kim Productions, “Other than Yoon Eun Hye, we are still in the process of selecting the other cast members. But despite the ban, we are now in talks with the tv statons and are thinking of airing it in the earlier half of 2009. If it’s not possible, then it will greet viewers in the latter half instead.”