VA - Boys Over Flower OST
ALBUM TYPE Original Soundtrack
doremi/Planet 905

01 파라다이스(꽃보다 남자OST 메인 테마) - 티맥스(T-Max) 天堂
02 내 머리가 나빠서 - SS501 因為我頭腦不好

03 알고있나요 - Someday 知道嗎

04 Stand By Me - 샤이니(SHINee)
05 Lucky - Ashily
06 별빛눈물 - 김유경(Kim Yoo Kyung) 星光眼泪 - 金幼京
07 조금은(꽃보다 남자OST 삽입곡) - 서진영(Seo Jin Young) 一点 - 徐真英
08 One More Time - 나무자전거(Tree Bicycle)木頭自行車
09 I Know (Saxophone Inst.) - 이정식(Lee Jung Sik)李正錫
10 Dance with me (Inst.)
11 Blue Flower (Inst.)
12 So sad (Inst.)
13 Opening Title(파라다이스 intro) - 티맥스(T-Max)

《花樣男子》反響空前 主角人氣隨之飆升
【朝鮮日報中文網╱綜合報導】 2009.01.14







Pictures of 金素恩Kim So Eun in New Caledonia
January 21, 2009 by coolsmurf

Picturesque scene of Kim Bum and Kim So Eun on top of a hill in episode 5 of Boys Before Flowers with the island of New Caledonia in the background.


Taking a cue from Kim Bum who posted pictures of himself on his Cyworld minihompy while filming Boys Before Flowers in New Caledonia last friday, his soon-to-be girlfriend in the drama, Kim So Eun has also done the same thing on her own minihompy yesterday. This might be taking things a little bit too far, but fans are feeling that they are taking their chemistry as a couple in the drama into real life as well, with their actions mimicking each other.


In the photos, Kim So Eun wore casual clothes paired with a straw hat. With a natural smile on her face, she looks like a girl next door walking on the beach. Many fans posted comments on her minihompy with most expressing, “Unnie, you are very pretty”. There was also no lack of Kim Bum fans who left encouraging remarks, “You look very compatible with Bum Bum!”, “Leaving our Bum Bum to your care!”. Many fans are hoping for a fairytale ending between Ga Eul (Kim So Eun) and Yi Jung (Kim Bum) in Boys Before Flowers.


Kim So Eun is certainly the IT girl right now and it’s not just because of her role in Boys Before Flowers, there is high praise also for her convincing potrayal of the young Empress Chun Chu in KBS saeguk drama Empress Chun Chu.


KBS Banking On Boys Before Flowers To Make An Impact
January 5, 2009 by coolsmurf

After months of hype followed by expectation, the Korean version of popular Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango, Boys Before Flowers finally makes its debut tonight on KBS2TV. The story revolves around an average girl, Geum Jandi (Goo Hye Sun) who makes her way into a prestigious school by chance and her encounters with the school’s notorious F4 following a chance meeting.


The Korean version of Hana Yori Dango will seek to fill in the gaps that had been missing in the original manga and give a detailed account of exactly how Jandi made her way into the prestigious school. The focus of the first episode which will be shown tonight will be what was mentioned earlier in this article.

Goo Hye Sun had a really hard time filming the below-mentioned scene (see photo below). Besides being doused with eggs, flour from F4 supporters and having to change 10 outfits (for different takes), she also developed a serious bout of flu from the long filming hours of this particular scene.


KBS is banking heavily on this drama to turn the tables on the competing dramas (MBC East of Eden, SBS Terroir) from the other tv stations in terms of ratings, having been on the losing end for nearly 2 years. But it’s certainly not going to be easy, having to go against the two who have an established viewership base already. Another thing to look out for is whether the Korean version can equal or surpass the Taiwanese and Japanese versions.


It’s going to be a long-shot with the ratings. But there will be many teen and overseas viewers for this definitely. Will this be a Goong or a Goong S? Everything will be revealed tonight (reviews) and tomorrow (ratings).

中名:《꽃보다 남자 花樣男子》
韓名:《꽃보다 남자》
演員:金賢重、金汎、李民浩、金俊、구혜선具惠善(女主角杉菜 - 號稱韓國網路第一美女)、韓彩英
播放:KBS月火劇 (2009-01-05)
導演:전기상 (保鑣/豪傑春香/My Girl/魔女遊戲)
編劇:윤지련 (半調子3)
首播日期:2009年1月5日 韓國
發行公司: KBS Productions

  專門為韓國富豪家千金和少爺們設立的私立財團高中--神話學院是一所超級白金學院,而被稱為F4的四大家族繼承人具俊表(李民浩 飾)、尹智侯(金賢重 飾)、蘇伊正(金範 飾)、宋宇彬(金俊 飾)更是神話學院的象徵。一天,平民出身的金絲草(具惠善 飾)意外地闖入了只屬於上流社會的神話學院,F4之首的具俊彪(李民浩飾)被這個跟上流社會格格不入、樂觀開朗、頑強倔強的女孩所吸引。一段現代灰姑娘與王子的浪漫愛情故事由此展開。

Ku Hye Sun is Makino in Korean Hana Yori Dango
October 6, 2008 by coolsmurf

Having revealed the Korean F4 last Friday, Group 8 has announced that Makino in the Korean Hana Yori Dango will go to actress Goo Hye Sun.

Goo Hye Sun will be the main female character in KBS2TV drama, “Boys over Flowers” (name for the drama) which will be shown in December. This will be Goo Hye Sun’s third drama in 2008 following SBS “King and I” and KBS “Strongest Chil-Woo” where she had played the leading role.

Goo Hye Sun plays Yeon Woo (Makino) who is a swimmer in a school that does not even have a swimming team. Her family operates a dry-cleaning shop which is situated just besides the legendary “Shin Hwa College”, opened only for nobles. During a trip to the college to deliver some laundry, Yeon Woo meets the four male leads and their story begins from there.

Director Jeon Ki Sang explained Goo Hye Sun was chosen eventually because she fits Tsukushi’s image well, and acknowledges that the public had tossed her name around a lot as a prospective Makino when the drama was first announced. She was in fact one of the front-runners in the numerous polls.

With the female lead now decided, do you think she’s the right person?

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