
情人節必買盤... 依林 麥卡莉(不姓蔡喔) 他其實沒那麼喜歡你 之 愛解空虛
環球 專輯+原聲帶(看! 裡頭有莉莉艾倫)先來個9千吧 ㄏㄏ

Label Universal Republic
Release Date Jan 06, 2009

01.Pony(It’s OK)
02.Blue Suitcase
04.Love, Save The Empty
05.Lovesick Mistake
06.It’s Not That Easy
10.Bobble Head
11.Gotta Figure This Out

「Kyle XY神奇小子」、「One Tree Hill籃球的天空」、「Grey's Anatomy實習醫生」、「The Hills比佛利拜金女」、「90210亂愛高校生」等美國高收視率影集最愛新女聲
同名單曲“Love , Save The Empty”成為電影「他其實沒那麼喜歡妳」重點襯樂,進入成人抒情榜TOP22
一位個人風格濃厚的新女聲,性感中隱藏著叛逆的美感,細膩中散發出令人著迷的野味,還沒有正式出道前的Erin McCarley,聲音已經擄獲全美一票高收視率電視影集青睞,陸續現聲於「Kyle XY神奇小子」、「One Tree Hill籃球的天空」、「Grey's Anatomy實習醫生」、「Hawthorne護士長的故事」、「The Hills比佛利拜金女」、「90210亂愛高校生」裡頭,成為2009年詢問度最高的新秀之一。

出生於納許維爾的Erin,在聖地牙哥度過童年歲月,從小即展現與生俱來的歌唱天賦。加入專門翻唱鄉村歌曲的樂團有了磨練機會,更利用空閒時候不斷創作,直到遇上製作人/詞曲撰寫家Jamie Kenney後,重新回到故鄉,結合擅長的流行搖滾風格,以及音域極為寬廣的歌喉,兩人開始合力寫歌,就在參加「South by Southwest Festival」音樂藝術節演出,Erin吸引唱片公司的注意,幸運與Universal Republic簽下一紙合約,準備往國際市場邁進。

  Erin拿出先前累積的11首作品,請到工作好夥伴Jamie擔綱操盤,拱出醞釀已久的處女大秀【Love, Save The Empty】,迅速攀升至iTunes榜Top5、告示牌百大排行之林。開場踏著輕快愉悅節拍的“Pony (It's OK)”,連貫所有耐聽線條,大量明亮吉他配合流暢旋律,搭上淡淡鄉村元素,是支相當稱頭且討喜的序幕曲;用那一派悠閒隨興調調演繹的“Blue Suitcase”和“Sticky-Sweet”,包裹住奔放過癮的律動,張力十足的編曲,宣洩出令人嘴角上揚的聆聽感應;用躍動無比的琴韻作指引,緊接著鋪上柔和弦樂輔佐,同名單曲“Love, Save The Empty”成為電影「He's Just Not That Into You他其實沒那麼喜歡妳」重點襯樂,進入成人抒情榜第22名;還有從“Hello/Goodbye”、到尾聲的“Gotta Figure This Out”都是值得反覆聆賞的佳作,同時體驗Erin在動靜皆宜的表情替換下,流露出音樂的靈性之美。


Dug the moon into the ground,
Turn this bedroom upside-down tonight.
I took my faith and I breathed it out,
Walked right through a cloud of flashing lights,
Bright light.

Pain takes my heart's place.
The love we made, we can't erase it.
Don't want to face it.

Pitterpat, the angel on my shoulder is haunting me tonight.
Tick-tock, the clock is getting louder, ready for me to decide.

I've lost my sense of right and wrong,
When justified, my soul to carry on.
I feel so damn good to write off the rules,
but when a new day breaks, I'm left a fool.
I'm such a fool.

Pain takes my heart's place,
Your sweet, sweet love,
I can taste it,
But still can't face it.

Pitterpat, the angel on my shoulder is haunting me tonight.
Tick-tock, the clock is getting louder, ready for me to decide.
The angel on my shoulder is haunting me tonight.
Tick-tock, the clock is getting louder, ready for me to decide.

The sun is coming down on me;
Could fate be so unkind?

Pain takes my heart's place.
The love we made remains.

Pitterpat, the angel on my shoulder is haunting me tonight.
Tick-tock, the clock is getting louder, ready for me to decide.
The angel on my shoulder is haunting me tonight.
Tick-tock, the clock is getting louder, ready for me to decide.

February 3, 2009
Original Release Date: February 3, 2009
Format: Enhanced, Soundtrack
Label: New Line Records

1. I'd Like To (Corinne Bailey Rae)
2. I'm Amazed (My Morning Jacket)
3. Don't You Want Me (Human League)
4. Supernatural Superserious (R.E.M.)
5. Madly (Tristan Prettyman)
6. This Must Be The Place (Talking Heads)
7. By Your Side (Black Crows)
8. I Must Be High (Wilco)
9. You Make It Real (James Morrison)
10. If I Never See Your Face Again (Maroon 5)
11. Can't Hardly Wait (The Replacements)
12. Fruit Machine (Ting Tings)
13. Smile (Lilly Allen)
14. Somewhere Only We Know (Keane)
15. Love, Save The Empty (Erin McCarley)

Little girls don't know how to be sweet girls.
Mama didn't teach me.
Little boys don't know how to treat little girls.
Daddy didn't show me.

Face down, on top of your bed.
Oh why did I give it up to you?
Is this how I shoot myself up high,
Just high enough to get through?

Again, the false affection.
Again, we break down inside.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty, and save me.

Sad boy, you stare up at the sky
When no one's looking back at you.
You wear your every last disguise;
You're flying, then you fall through.

Again, the false attention.
Again, you're breaking inside.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty, save me.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty.

Stars feel like knives,
They tell us why we're fighting.
Storm, wait outside.
Oh, love, hold us together.

Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty, and save me.
And save me.

16. Friday I'm In Love (Cure)
17. Last Goodbye (Scarlett Johansson)

Product Description
Erin McCarley calls the music on her debut album, Love, Save the Empty, a document of her search for authenticity in herself and in others. If that sounds heavy, there's a reason why: According to McCarley, "Loving You" is about "being honest at the beginning of a new relationship and saying, `I have nothing left to give,' to this amazing person standing right in front of me." "Sleepwalking" profiles a cynic that can't hear it come back his own way. For the title track, McCarley was inspired to write a song about the effects stemming from a lack of role models in a parentless world. And yet the 11 songs collected here (songs that ignited an industry-wide frenzy when McCarley performed them at SXSW earlier this year) pull off the trick that all great pop performs: They do heavy philosophical lifting with a lightness that boosts the spirit. This is elegantly crafted, deeply melodic music that resounds with echoes of the Beatles and Aimee Mann, Alanis Morissette and Amy Winehouse.

McCarley grew up in the Dallas suburb of Garland, where she says her parents couldn't have done a better job raising her and her older sister. "It was a very happy home with very little pain to deal with," she explains, describing days filled with dance class and choir rehearsal. In a way, though, her ideal childhood led to an unexpected wake-up call later in life. "It kind of gave me an unrealistic view of everything," McCarley notes with a laugh. "That's not how the world is, you know?" In McCarley's music you can hear her charting the distance between fantasy and reality, as well as the heartbreak that inevitably accompanies its discovery.

McCarley's brand of honesty doesn't come without the occasional flash of regret. "I've looked back at some of these songs recently and thought to myself, `Are you serious? I can't believe I put that out there!'"

Near the top of the list of McCarley's favorite artists are names like Fiona Apple, Patty Griffin and Greg Laswell (the latter of whom co-wrote "Bobblehead"). "I just love how true and raw their lyrics are," she explains. Listening to records by these musicians is more than enjoyable for McCarley--it's inspiring. "I get one line into one of their songs and I have to stop and write my own," she says. McCarley singles out her favorites' unique phrasing, the way they've taught her to concentrate not only on her words but on her delivery. "Their lyrics are that much more powerful because of the way they sing them."

McCarley currently calls Nashville home, but she cut her musical teeth in San Diego, where she'd moved after college to pursue a life that didn't feature music at its center. During her undergraduate days she'd spend weekends singing with a country cover band for extra cash, yet in San Diego, selling clothes in a boutique and hanging out on the beach, she began thinking not just like a singer, but as a songwriter, which satisfied a different artistic jones. "Once I discovered songwriting it became an addiction," she says now, remembering countless days she spent holed up in her house from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., doing writing exercises (and staring at the wall) while wearing the same pair of linen pants. "Most nights I'd end up with an unfinished song. But when the day would come when all the pieces would align, and I'd know this is a song for people to hear, there is no better release in the world. Those are some of the only times that I can go out at night or sit on the couch next to my loved ones and feel at peace--like, `Job well done.' I can rest, at least for a second." It was during this bout of creativity that McCarley met producer/writer/keyboardist Jamie Kenney (the rare partner she felt 100 percent comfortable with), and the two began honing the songs that would make up Love, Save the Empty.

"It's hard for me to write about being happy," McCarley admits. "I don't prefer being sad, but it's a real spot for me. If you met me, I'm not this dark, sulking person, though I'm not bubbly by any means, either. I guess it comes down to the fact that I'm not afraid of being sad.

Erin's goal an artist is as simple--and as profound--as they come. "When I'm on stage," she says, "I'm trying to communicate with every single person out there."


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