以軍大規模空襲加沙地帶 ,目前已造成至少155名巴勒斯坦人死亡,數百人受傷。一名路透社記者說,以色列至少發射了30枚導彈,造成加沙市港口及安全設施遭到嚴重破壞。以色列國防軍今天警告說,空襲“將繼續下去,將進一步擴大,而且如有必要將加深空襲力度。 ”

加薩走廊(阿拉伯語:قطاع غزة或Qita' Ghazzah;希伯來語:רצועת עזה或Rezu'at 'Azza)是一條位於以色列西岸、西奈半島東北部的狹長地帶,主要由巴勒斯坦人聚居。1948年阿以戰爭埃及佔領,直到1967年六日戰爭又再被以色列奪回。像加薩走廊這樣人口稠密,但是在法理上卻不屬於任何國家的地區,是很不尋常的。

What of the response in China?
(Apple Daily, Hong Kong)

The accompanying report is a summary of the reported reports from Associated Press, Agence France Presse, Haaretz and BBC. The Xinhua bureau in Gaza Strip was reported to have hit. The bureau only has a local staff none of whom were hurt.

Reader Comments:

- This is slaughter and not just torture! Bin Laden, it is time to start another jihad! When I saw what happened on 9/11 and investigated the cause, I thought he was right. America is belligerent.

- Although terrorism is wrong, it is more wrong to invade another country! America should not be supporting Israel!

- What does God watch his children slaughter each other and do nothing to stop them? Is this child abuse? Can we sue him?

- I hope the angry young people who support terrorists will be wiped out soon!

- I hope that Israel and America will be eradicated soon.

(KDNet, BBS in mainland China)

The photos contains civilian casualties but also adult males who appear to be paramilitary.

Reader comments:

- You can't do anything unless you have power.

- The place is hell anyway, and the elimination of the demons can return it to the human world.

- Israel is cleaning out the cancer on Earth

- It would be great if the world permits Israel to conduct precision bombing! America can lend them a few B52's and the cancer of the Earth will be eradicated by Israel within a few days!

- Israel was targeting the Hamas police station. There is only one photo with police casualties, so you are being biased. People die in war, so wars should be avoided from the humanitarian view. In reality, war is sometimes unavoidable.

- I hate Israel!
I hate Israel for being too soft and weak!!
I hate Israel for not completely eradicating the Hamas terrorist organization!!!!
The people of China firmly supports the righteous actions of Israel!!!!
We support the almighty Israel, and justice will triumph over evil!!!!!

- Hamas provoked this action.

- I don't feel any pity, I only feel joy! That bunch of misogynist trash deserve to die!

- Why not send in a nuclear bomb? This is not exciting.

- There were old people, women and children in there. This is too tragic!

- Israel was making a precision attack on a military target. If there are women and children in there, then they had been placed there intentionally.

- When the action is so drastic, civilian may be inadvertently hurt. But is there another way to deal with terrorists?

- Democracy is so wonderful because you can kill people anytime.

- Hamas fired rockets in Israel several days ago. Israel has warned them many times that they will act against Hamas. If Israel does not have a democratic government, they would have wiped out Hamas a long time ago. You should be saying that democracy is a nuisance because you cannot retaliate at will even after you were attacked by rockets.

- After seeing the injured women and children, I am more certain that Hamas is just a bunch of cowards who hide behind women and children.

以色列軍事目的含糊 以軍官承認哈馬斯難消滅
2008/12/31 中國新聞網











Black Hawk Down Theme - Hans Zimmer

How The Israel-Palestinian Conflict Is Viewed

(Glenn Greenwald) Marty Peretz and the American political consensus on Israel. December 28, 2008.

Opinions about the Israeli-Palestinian dispute are so entrenched that any single outbreak of violence is automatically evaluated through a pre-existing lens, shaped by one's typically immovable beliefs about which side bears most of the blame for the conflict generally or "who started it." Still, any minimally decent human being -- even those who view the world through the most blindingly pro-Israeli lens possible, the ones who justify anything and everything Israel does, and who discuss these events with a bottomless emphasis on the primitive (though dangerous) rockets lobbed by Hamas into Southern Israel but without even mentioning the ongoing four-decades brutal occupation or the recent, grotesquely inhumane blockade of Gaza -- would find the slaughter of scores of innocent Palestinians to be a horrible and deeply lamentable event.

But not The New Republic's Marty Peretz. Here is his uniquely despicable view of the events of the last couple of days:

So at 11:30 on Saturday morning, according to both the Jerusalem Post and Ha'aretz, as well as the New York Times, 50 fighter jets and attack helicopters demolished some 40 to 50 sites in just about three minutes, maybe five. Message: do not fuck with the Jews.

"Do not fuck with the Jews." And what of the several hundred Palestinian dead -- including numerous children -- and many hundreds more seriously wounded?

Israeli intelligence reported 225 people dead, mostly Hamas military leaders with some functionaries, besides, and perhaps 400 wounded. The Palestinians announced 300 dead, probably as a reflex in order to begin their whining about disproportionate Israeli acts of war. And 600 wounded.

Objections to the Israeli attack are just "whining." Those are the words of a psychopath. And what to do now?

Frankly, I am up to my gullet with this reflex criticism of Israel as going beyond proportionality in its responses to war waged against its population with the undisguised intention of putting an end to the political expression of the Jewish nation. . . .

The current warfare will go on a bit longer. If there is a pause and if I were giving advice to the Israelis, this is what I would say to Hamas and to the people of Gaza: "If a rocket or missile is launched against us, if you take captive one of our soldiers (as you have held one for two and a half years), if you raise a new Intifada against us, there will be an immediate response. And it will be very disproportionate. Proportion does not work."

This super-tough-guy warrior -- whose prime accomplishment in life was marrying an heiress and then using her family's money to buy himself The New Republic -- beats his chest and threatens that even a single Palestinian act in response to this bombing campaign will provoke still more massive retaliation in the form of collective punishment (which, not that anyone cares, happens to be a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions, as are Hamas' far less harmful rocket attacks on Israeli civilians).

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