2008/10/22Three Reasons AC/DC chose Wal-Mart.
After a #1 UK debut, early sales put the new AC/DC "Black Ice" Wal-Mart exclusive on track to top the US charts with 800,000 first week sales. How did it do it and why did AC/DC choose Wal-Mart? These three grainy cell phone photos from the front aisle of Wal-Mart in rural Berlin, NH tell the story.
作者: Terry 2008/10/26 互聯網的冬天已然來臨,處於產業變革期的數位音樂企業的冬天就變得更冷了。尤其是對於還處於在探索商業模式階段的諸多互聯網音樂服務提供者。
Pandora Cuts Staff 14%. Are More Layoffs Ahead?
2008/10/19 "This is a very sad day for Pandora, and for me personally. Today we reduced our staff from 140 to 120 employees. Like virtually every company, Pandora is not immune to the challenges presented by the current economic turmoil. We are trying to react quickly and responsibly to the new environment...
These layoffs come from what is by many measurements one of the more successful music start-ups. As founder Tim Westergren pointed out in the announcement, battles like royalty rates are almost behind the company. But a bad economy is a bad economy; and Pandora is smart to conserve cash as it works toward profitablitiy. Expect more such announcements before the end of the year from across the music and tech sectors.
imeem在過去2年先後融資近5000萬美元,包括紅杉資本Sequoia Capital China、華納音樂集團等的投資,在今年夏季被估值為2億美元。該公司早前稱擁有註冊用戶3000萬,有1億用戶使用通過他們平台分發的Widget。

EMI Loss Hits $1.2 Billion. Can It Survive?
2008/10/27 EMI lost a whopping $1.2 billion in the financial year that ended March 31st dwarfing the prior year’s $455 million river of red. Revenue declined to $2.3 billion from $2.8 billion.
Some losses stem from restructuring after Terra Firma's takeover. But EMI underperformed its competitors using most benchmarks. CD sales at EMI fell 45% from 2005 to 2007 compared to an average market decline of 19%. EMI projected 51% revenue growth in digital saled and delivered 29% growth despite being the first to drop DRM.
“There should be no false expectations,” the report stated. “EMI cannot be turned around overnight.” It's hard to see how EMI can A&R its way out of this mess and survive while Hands & Co. restructure, but the company may have no choice. In normal times consoldation with WMG would now be rumored. But a gloomy global economy looms making it hard to imagine any investor saving Terra Firma by scooping up EMI's assets even at fire sale prices.
作者: Terry 2008/10/26
要說CD市場衰退最大的受害者其實並非是唱片公司,而是CD發行和零售商,他們的飯碗都被砸了。像著名的唱片連鎖店Tower Records在2004年倒閉就是最直接的例證。或許我們都沒太在意,以前在我們周圍的音像商店也都一間間消失了,要想閒來去逛逛CD店也不那麼容易了。
Shoppers at 521 Winn-Dixie supermarkets in the US south can buy Sony BMG Premiun MusicPass download cards. (press release)
Sandisk搞了一套稱為Slot Music的數位音樂發行方案,期望用存儲卡的方式去取代CD發行。儘管它被不少人認為是愚蠢的創意。
SanDisk slotMusic: Do We Need These Little Things?
2008/10/16 The need to be attached to your computer to download music into your player is a pain (unless of course you do it over the air.) CD's are bulky (unless you rip them). But are these really problems in need of a solution - particularly a solution that is an entirely new format requiring an entirely new player?
SanDisk apparently thinks so and with its Sansa slotMusic microSD format and player they attempt to deliver an alternative. Let me admit that I have not spent any time with a player (if Sansa wants to send me one I promise a followup review), but I do know microSD cards. They are about the size of a nickle and just as easy to loose. The player looks tiny as well and at $20 is a real bargain when compared almost any mp3 player. But here's the catch - there's no internal memory.
It's often been said that the music industry was saved by the CD. Everyone who had a warn out album bought it again on CD. slotMusic might be be cool for some, but it doesn't feel like a savior.
slotMusic debut artist line-up:
- Chris Brown
- Coldplay
- Connie Talbot
- Daughtry
- Don’t Quit Fitness Bundle
- Elvis Presley
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Jimi Hendrix
- Jimmy Buffet
- Katy Perry
- Keane
- Kelly Clarkson
- Kiss
- Leona Lewis
- Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Metro Station
- Nelly
- New Kids On the Block
- Neyo
- Nickelback
- Pussycat Dolls
- Rihanna
- Rise Against
- Robin Thicke
- Saving Abel
- Shwayze
- Solange
- Sugarland
- Tim McGraw
- Toby Keith
- Usher
- Weezer
- Young Jeezy
Universal Bundles Music For Dell PC's
2008/10/24As part of their move back into music, computer maker Dell and Universal have teamed to offer bundles of genre related tracks pre-installed on new Dell PC's.
The 50 song music bundles for $25 and 100 song for $50 includes a curated selection of MP3s priced at about half of the standard per $.99 track Initial Universal bundles include #1 Songs, Afternoon Delight, Blues Masters, The Classics, Freshmen, Rock Titans, and and an exercise themed bundle Sweatbands & Leotards. The offering will be expanded and refreshed regularly. A similar offering bundles films.
作者: Terry 2008/10/23
水星逆轉 Mercury Rev專輯“Strange Attractor”
作者: Terry 2008/10/22
Mercury Rev的新專輯“Strange Attractor”也沿用了Radiohead的做法,提供160K的mp3免費下載,只需要提供你的郵箱地址即可。從這些音樂家的線上行銷活動來看,歌迷的email列表是他們管理歌迷的最基本也是最重要的資源。