Warner Bros Records

"Elephants" — 4:14
"What If I Leave" — 5:03
"Little Life" — 4:07
"Sunday Afternoon" — 9:05
"Elephants Instrumental" — 1:46
"Duet" (with Ray LaMontagne) — 4:01
"Over and Over" — 5:25
"Brown Eyes" — 3:46
"Horizon" — 8:16
"The Only Fault" (Hidden track) — 4:04

...Teeth Sinking Into Heart
"Sidedish Friend" — 3:00
"Accident" — 4:10
"Faster" — 3:50
"Pause the Tragic Ending" — 4:42
"Don't" — 3:05

Product Description
Rachael Yamagata has hardly been idle since her acclaimed 2004 full-length debut, Happenstance, and its Adult Top 40 hit 'Worn Me Down.' So for her Warner Bros. premiere, the singer-songwriter-pianist with the sultry voice unveils a double disc set: Elephants...Teeth Sinking Into Heart. Produced largely by Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes, Rilo Kiley, The Faint), and also John Alagia (John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, Happenstance), Elephants is darker and more vulnerable while the more guitar-driven Teeth Sinking Into Heart is grittier and more defiantly cynical. Together, they reveal the two sides of one of today's most entrancing artists.

如果你也有一顆善感的心,很難不被Rachael Yamagata融化。她能把愛情裡面的一些小碎片,一塊一塊積蘊許久的情緒,重組起來。簡單的來說是慰療系,然而她的聲音並非偏Sia那種渾厚的嗓音,而比較接近Cat Power的藍調民謠,並掌握了完美的流行旋律,讓一堆影集爭相收錄她的歌,冷不防就會聽到。我在【Prime 春心蕩漾】遇見了她翻唱的老歌〈I Wish You Love〉而開始好奇;然而直到聽完《Happenstance》後,才是徹底被征服,其中主打歌〈Be Be Your Love〉更是由莫文蔚翻唱成〈一個人睡〉(不過當然原版好聽太多)。距離四年,Rachael Yamagata的新歌〈Elephants〉一放,我還是止不住的想哭。我會在深夜裡想起這首歌,不斷的想,Rachael Yamagata是遭遇了什麼樣的破碎感情,才寫出了如此寂寞的詩啊。

Rachael Yamagata的新專輯取名為《Elephants...Teeth Sinking Into Heart》,採雙CD規格乃是為了要區分曲風的不同走向,《Elephants》如你聽到的較為黑暗脆弱;《Teeth Sinking Into Heart》則是吉他搖滾路線,聽聽她MySpace串連的〈Sidedish Friend〉可略知一二。

「I'm considering a. the new record, b. with guitars and piano and musicians, and c. something black.」她在部落格裡寫道。

她曾經和出道時混跡的樂團Bumpus的團員James Johnston談戀愛,因分手退團並展開單飛生涯;而後,她與英國歌手Tom McRae的失敗戀情也寫進《Happenstance》裡。〈Worn Me Down〉、〈I'll Find a Way〉、〈1963〉...她的音樂真實的反映了人生,愈是低潮,愈有驚人的作品。

新專輯令我興奮的還有這次包括Azure Ray的Maria Taylor、唱作人Ray Lamontagne都加入了合唱陣容,主要製作人為Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes, Rilo Kiley, The Faint)合作了12首歌;上一張專輯的製作人John Alagia (John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band)則有2首。

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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