Again, a post went AWOL (thanks to censorship-friendly Blogger/Google), this time the one about Vanessa Paradis. It's the oddest thing. As you might remember, ms. Paradis just released a live album and dvd, Divinidylle Tour (posted a review of a concert here, you can hear Maks scream in the Joe le Taxi version posted below, 'cause that was recorded in BXL). Have not seen that dvd yet, but the album is arguably her best to date. It features old faves and almost all songs from Divinidylle - played by that superband featuring -M- and Albin de la Simone. To give you an idea how much Vanessa has grown as a performer, I've added two versions of the same song from her former live-cd's.
See V. and -M- duet here.

Vanessa Paradis - Joe le Taxi (live) (from Divinidylle Tour)
Vanessa Paradis - Joe le Taxi (live) (from Au Zenith, 2001)
Vanessa Paradis - Joe le Taxi (live) (from Live, 1993)

14歲演唱成名曲“Joe le Taxi”穩坐法國榜11週冠軍,分由楊林、陳慧嫻、戶川純翻唱出國、粵、日各版

她的歌聲席捲全球流行市場,嬌甜中帶著無比魅惑,成為少數闖入美國樂壇的法國歌手;她的美麗驚豔整個時尚圈,性感中帶著十足個性,化身金絲雀成為Chanel的CoCo香水代言人;她的演技備受肯定跨界電影區塊,擄獲好萊塢花花帥少強尼戴普的心,成為羨煞眾人的銀色愛侶,至今維持七年同居生涯。氣質外型皆出眾的Vanessa Paradis,無論在哪個領域現身,皆散發出令人暈眩的十足美感。

 出生法國全名Vanessa Chantal Paradis,八歲時,在深受小朋友歡迎的才藝選秀L`Ecole Des Fans中脫穎而出,幸運出演法國著名長壽歌舞劇「Emilie Jolie/艾密麗裘莉」,從小就展現耀眼光芒。1985年推出第一支單曲“La Magie des surprises-parties”;14歲時,倚著蜜糖般甜美嗓音推出“Joe le Taxi”,造成大轟動穩坐法國榜11週冠軍,突破百萬銷售,打入英國金榜季軍,連亞洲區都相繼淪陷,分由楊林、陳慧嫻、戶川純翻唱出國、粵、日各版。1992年與當時男友Lenny Kravitz合作首張英文同名作,除了當作自己20歲生日禮物外,更成為她的第一張法國冠軍專輯,也正式在美國市場發行,英國站上Top45。2000年出版法國榜冠軍專輯『Bliss』,同時迎接她與強尼戴普的女兒Lily Rose Deep,裡頭有許多是倆人共通撰寫給他們寶貝的歌。

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