Rest in Peace, Lee Eon
August 23, 2008 by coolsmurf

The funeral procession of Lee Eon who died at his prime just two days ago was carried out earlier than scheduled this morning.

Lee Eon’s funeral procession was held at 4am this morning at Seoul’s Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital with more than 100 family members, relatives and friends in attendance as they sent him off on his last journey. His family members wanted to have a quiet sending off so they didn’t reveal the exact date/time to the media and held it early. Lee Eon’s casket was transfered to the hearse at 5am where Gong Yoo was spotted carrying his wooden tablet.

Gong Yoo currently serving the military had rushed over to Lee Eon’s wake just three hours before the funeral procession to send his good friend on his last journey. Not just that, from the stream of people coming to pay their respects, it just showed how good Lee Eon’s interpersonal relationships were. Lee Eon’s body will be cremated and his urn will be transported to his hometown, Busan.

Lee Eon Passes Away in Motorbike Accident
August 21, 2008

Lee Eon (real name: Park Sang Min) has left the world at the age of 27 following a motorbike accident earlier this morning. (sounds unbelievable and surreal)

Lee Eon had attended the post-wrap party for his drama “Strongest Chilwoo” which ended early this morning and was already back home. But he was out again soon to the club where he worked as a DJ on his motorbike when the unfortunate happened. He lost control of his motorbike and rammed into the guardrail of an overpass. It was later announced that he had broken his neck on impact and died instantly. (could he be intoxicated?)

Lee Eon’s management expressed, “He doesn’t ride a motorbike normally. And he doesn’t drink either. During the first gathering, he didn’t drink at all. But I am not sure for the second gathering.” Lee Eon’s parents are now in Seoul handing his funeral and they are pretty devastated by this as he’s their only child. “Because of work, he isn’t by his parents side often. And thus I can understand how devastated they must be at losing their only child from this.”

Lee Eon’s last role was as an assassin in “Strongest Chilwoo” which just ended two days ago and it’s still quite unbelievable to many who are just learning of the truth right now. His most memorable role must be the one last year in “Coffee Shop 1st Prince” which made him more known to the world.

韓劇《咖啡王子1號店》的猛男服務生李彥이언昨驚傳車禍身亡,得年27歲。他前天下午參加韓劇《最強七迂》殺青慶功宴,昨凌晨返家後又騎摩托車外出,途經首爾漢南洞高架橋不慎撞上護欄,送醫後不治。她的母親白髮人送黑髮人,靈堂前哭喊:「為什麼要我來這種地方?!」 李彥去年在《咖》劇飾演純情店員,劇中他為追求尹恩惠的妹妹,撐傘、拿包包、送美食,憨厚形象大受歡迎,戲劇邀約接踵而來。他最近在《最》劇扮刺客,前天開心出席該劇慶功宴,隨後返家又騎摩托車外出,昨凌晨約1時30分行經漢南洞高架橋時,他原想轉換車道,卻不小心撞上護欄,導致頸椎骨折,當場死亡。 他的父母得知噩耗後,從釜山趕赴首爾順天鄉醫院,在靈堂前痛哭失聲:「為什麼我必須來這種地方?我可憐的孩子啊!」 《咖》劇演員尹恩惠、韓藝仁、李善均、蔡貞安等都前來弔唁。他的遺體預定明天上午10時火化。他生前是否酒駕?經紀人透露:「李彥不愛喝酒,但不確定當天是否小酌。」警方則表示,已採他的血液檢驗,一周後可得知結果。 他原是摔角選手出身,曾拿下韓國「全國體育大會」摔角冠軍,8年前甩油30公斤轉戰模特兒界,蔚為話題,兩年前跨界在處女作《大力士瑪丹娜》詮釋摔角選手走紅,隔年演出《咖》劇晉升人氣男星,他生前受訪時表示:「我屬大器晚成型,我會讓大家看見我的無限可能。」他演藝事業起飛之際卻意外身亡,令人無限唏噓。

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