April 9th, 2008 [wiki]

美國版「超級星光大道」《美國偶像》(American Idol)4/6在洛杉磯柯達戲院舉辦「偶像回饋」(Idol Gives Back)慈善義演,現場眾星雲集,善心不落人後的「小布」布萊德彼特(Brad Pitt)與奧斯卡影后莉絲威斯朋(Reese Witherspoon)也來插花。

  小布放下拍攝中的新片來捧場,順便宣揚他為紐奧良颶風災民設計的環保建築;「黑眼豆豆」(Black Eyed Peas)主唱菲姬(Fergie)穿緊身衣露出平坦小腹,破除懷孕傳聞。


Watch Fergie and Heart perform “Barracuda” during Fox’s charity benefit Idol Gives Back.

Fergie and rock band Heart (sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson) performed “Barracuda” during American Idol 7’s charity benefit Idol Gives Back which was aired on April 9 night. Video clip above is the three female artists' shorter-than-usual rendition of original 5-minute-long Barracuda.

約翰傳奇John Legend Fergie “Idol Gives Back” Video Performance
April 9th, 2008

Fergie and John Legend hit the stage on Wednesday night’s Idol Gives Back American Idol charity event.

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