1. Candy Store *
2. 4 Minutes #
3. Give It To Me *
4. Heartbeat *
5. Miles Away #
6. She's Not Me *
7. Incredible *
8. Beat Goes On (featuring Kanye West) ^
9. Dance Tonight $
10. Spanish Lesson *
11. Devil **
12. Voices **
13. Ring My Bell (Bonus track on Japanese edition) *
13. 4 Minutes (Tracy Young House Mix Edit) (Bonus track on US Limited Edition)
14. 4 Minutes (Rebirth Mix Edit) (Bonus track on US Limited Edition)
★ 有拉鍊的DVD尺吋糖果盒
★ 透明的DVD底盤,下方附有緞帶拉條
★ 大約35顆閃亮的薄荷糖包在透明袋中放在底盤下方
★ 16頁線裝DVD尺吋全彩附冊
★ 外包裝背面會有曲目貼紙
★ CD將多收兩首「4 Minutes分鐘」的混音版 主宰全球流行文化的喜怒哀樂,超越四分之一個世紀的音樂女神!
音樂金童賈斯汀Justin Timberlake、菲董Pharrell、排行榜魔手Timbaland、肯伊威斯特Kanye West共同激發嶄新音樂火花
瑪丹娜,主宰全球流行文化的喜怒哀樂,超越四分之一世紀!自1982年發行第一支單曲之後,瑪丹娜便展開她全面征服、無人能及的流行霸業王朝。無論是歌手、音樂製作人、電影製作人、演員、舞者、慈善家、童書作者、女性主義家、母親、或是設計師,她都能以這些不同身份,淋漓盡致地成功展現出令人讚嘆的多元色彩。瑪丹娜在全球的專輯累積銷量,早已輕鬆突破兩億大關,而每次推出新的音樂作品,也都能同時兼顧商業市場走向及音樂創新,成為潮流尖端的出色指標。親臨瑪丹娜的現場演出,是所有音樂愛好者的畢生心願,而在2006 年所舉辦的【Confessions Tour】更是一票難求,該次的全球巡迴演出也讓她創下歷史紀錄,成功地拿下女性藝人巡迴表演的最高票房。2007年,瑪丹娜除了響應全球環保盛會Live Earth,更獻出全新單曲「Hey You」之外,大部分的時間都在為了全新專輯“Hard Candy”的發行而作準備。
在此全新專輯中,網羅了音樂金童賈斯汀Justin Timberlake、菲董Pharrell、排行榜魔手Timbaland、肯伊威斯特Kanye West,以全新的音樂團隊,共同激發出嶄新音樂火花,在以流行感十足Hip-hop為基底的同時,更巧妙地加入特色鮮明的娜式元素。一走進「Candy Shop」,店長Pharrell Williams用喘息聲介紹這裡,滿室的糖果琳瑯滿目,接著,Timbaland突然現身,按下計時器開始倒數,吃下一顆「4 Minutes」,Madonna和Justin一來一往穿梭在味蕾間,這場在舌尖上的舞戰,打破了多年由貓王創下的紀錄,讓Madonna順利成為擁有最多美國告示牌流行榜TOP10歌曲的歌手。猛然一回頭,製糖工廠裡,「Give It 2 Me」的生產線已全面開啟,電子微粒不停裝釘,金屬感十足的節奏,帶來時尚的機械式舞步。隨手選了一顆「Heartbeat」吞下,吉他糖衣立即在耳膜內溶解,清楚地聽見自己的心跳音量上昇,全場都感受到這此起彼落的律動。「Miles Away」一入喉,思念之心隨即暈開,在餘音繚繞間,清楚地聽見那個久候的聲音。延展彈跳的「She`s Not Me」有著橡膠糖的質地,沾粘著蠢蠢欲動的內心戲,「Incredible」明亮爽快,脈搏因而加速跳動,是一口無法勒戒的愛情毒癮。咀嚼「Beat Goes On」的同時,天空下起五顏六色的糖果雨,敲打出誘人的節拍,世界宛如一個巨型萬花筒。「Dance 2Night」是染上夜色的復古口味,而咬下「Spanish Lesson」,異國氣味頓時佈滿唇齒,一開口都不自覺地呼喊著佛朗明哥的音符。無色糖漿大量湧入,吹吐著忽快忽慢的氣泡,隨著「Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You」樂曲一同漂流的同時,海妖在四週不停吟唱著,以無重力的姿態穿越回憶漩渦。隨著「Voices」敲起離別鐘聲,轉身離開糖果屋的同時,在旅程裡所有嚐過的各種滋味,又一一浮現。一盒12顆的“娜․式․糖”,粒粒驚奇只溶你心,每一口都帶給你全新的感官體驗、口感獨特,你千萬要小心品嚐,以免成癮!
Here's some news about the Hard Candy limited Edition version. Apparantly:
- Cat# 0-9362-49876-8-0
- The CD will be housed in a candy box that comes with zipper
- A pack of 35 mint flavour candies in transparent wrappers will be packed in the box as well
- It comes with several Handy Candy promotional pin badges
- It also comes with 16 pages of color CD booklet
- Includes additional 2 more 4M remixes
- Comes with a tracklisting sticker on the back of the candy box
I LOVE this idea and will probably get it. Lol great promo. Here are some pics:

"4 Minutes"
written by Madonna,Justin Timberlake,T.Mosley and Nate "Danja" Hills
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes
(repeat several times)
Break down
Come on boy
I've been waiting for somebody
to pick up my stroll
Well don't waste time
give me a sign
tell me how you wanna roll
I want somebody to speed it up for me
then take it down slow
there's enough room for both
Well,I can handle that
you just gotta show me where it's at
are you ready to go
(are you ready to go)
(Madonna and Justin)
If you want it
You already got it
If you thought it
it better be what you want
If you feel it
it must be real just
say the word and imma give you what you want
(chorus-Madonna and Justin)
Time is waiting
We only got four minutes to save the world
No hesitating
Grab a boy,grab a girl
Time is waiting
We only got four minutes to save the world
No hesitating
We only got four minutes,four minutes
(Madonna and Justin)
Keep it up
You gotta get in line,hop
Tick tock,tick tock,tick tock
That's right,keep it up
keep it up,don't...
You gotta get in line,hop
tick tock,tick tock,tick tock
Sometimes I think what I need is a human intervention,yeah
And you know I can tell that you like it
and that it's good,by the way that you move,yeah
The road to hell is paved with good intentions,yeah
But if I die tonight
At least I can say I did what I wanted to do
tell me,how bout you?
(Madonna and Justin)
If you want it
you already got it
if you thought it
it better be what you want
If you feel it
it must be real just
say the word and imma give you what you want
(chorus-Madonna and Justin)
Time is waiting
we only got four minutes to save the world
No hesitating
grab a boy,grab a girl
Time is waiting
we only got four minutes to save the world
no hesitating
we only got four minutes,four minutes
(Madonna and Justin)
Keep it up
you gotta get in line,hop
tick tock,tick tock,tick tock
That's right,keep it up
keep it up,don't...
You gotta get in line,hop
tick tock,tick tock,tick tock