Natalie Portman has been promoting her new movie, also starring Scarlett Johansson, all over the place and she made some revelations about her past and the country’s future Presidential Election.
Sexy cover girl Natalie does Marie Claire UK and Elle Magazine.On her Harvard degree and intelligence: "I can be pretentious and talk about books for hours, but I’m not hyper-intellectual or anything. I mean, I like to read, but lots of people do. I’m not the hard, brainy girl at all. I’m really mushy. [Laughs.] I’m much more mush, I think, than anything else!"
On growing up in Jericho, Long Island: “[I was] different from the other kids: I was more ambitious. I knew what I liked and what I wanted, and I worked really hard to get it.”
On trying to hide her ambitious nature: "It's definitely complicated. I bury it a lot, which is a very common woman thing to do. They say women often preface their statements with “This might sound stupid, but…” It sort of tempers what you are going to say. It takes the edge off so you can still be seen as ladylike. I think I have a lot of that in me. I'm very nonconfrontational; I'm definitely a pleaser."
Last night, a friend, a social worker in L.A. who works with underprivileged kids, was saying how these girls who have never been interested in politics before are so excited that a woman might be president. I mean, look how many women are in government…Hillary’s one of, what, [a handful of] female senators?… I also like Obama. I even like McCain. I disagree with his war stance—which is a really big deal—but I think he’s a very moral person. I met him and Hillary on the same day, actually, when I went to Washington with Finca [a nonprofit that gives loans to businesswomen in developing countries]. Hillary was by far the smartest person I met that day. Just totally focused, and knew more about the issues than anyone else, and was so able to go from one thing to the other.”
Natalie Portman出生于耶路撒冷,父親是心理醫生,母親是藝術家,她是獨生女。3歲時舉家搬到美國U.S.,之後在長島Long Island定居。身為1位擁有超齡天份和穩定度的女演員,她已成為好萊塢Hollywood最多才多藝、最炙手可熱的年輕女藝人。
Natalie在13歲時以演出名導盧貝松Luc Besson的電影「終極追殺令」Leon-The Professional(1994年)揚名國際。和她演對手戲的有尚‧雷諾Jean Reno和蓋瑞‧歐德曼Gary Oldman等大牌。Natalie飾演Mathilde,1個因父母被腐敗的DEA官員殺害,而尋求1名職業殺手保護的小女孩。她的演出使影評人叫好,並獲得「好萊塢記者協會」The Hollywood Reporter贊助的「年輕之星獎」YoungStar Awards「最佳戲劇女演員」Best Actress in a Drama。
Natalie以「美麗佳人」Beautiful Girls(1996年)再度獲得輿論的喝采,這部悲喜劇同時有塢瑪‧舒嫚Uma Thurman等大堆頭明星共同演出。其他電影佳績則有名導伍迪‧艾倫Woody Allen的音樂片「大家都說我愛你」Everyone Says I Love You(1996年),和歌蒂‧韓Goldie Hawn等明星合演;名導提姆‧波頓Tim Burton的黑色喜劇「星戰毀滅者」 Mars Attacks! (1996年),和傑可‧尼克遜Jack Nicholson等明星合演。以及和2大巨星─艾爾‧帕西諾Al Pacino、勞勃‧迪尼諾Robert DeNiro合演的「烈火悍將」Heat(1995年)。近作為「管到太平洋」Anywhere But Here(1999年)、「女孩第一名」Where the Heart Is(2000年)。
Natalie在百老匯Broadway的初登場是領銜主演舞台劇「安妮日記」The Diary of Anne Frank。當時,George Lucas也邀請她參加「星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏」Star Wars:Episode I-The Phantom Menace(1999年)的演出。但因為她很重視這次的表演,所以拒絕了Lucas。Lucas回去後馬上把工作進度表修改到Natalie能配合的檔期,于是我們才有了美麗、聰慧的Amidala女王。不過,為了演出這個角色,她也吃了不少苦。由于頭飾太重,工作人員必須用滑輪組和細線勾著,以減輕她頭上的負擔。
完成「星際大戰二部曲:複製人全面進攻」Star Wars:Episode II-Attack of the Clones(2002年)後,會說希伯來語Hebrew、法語French 和日語Japanese的Natalie回到「長春藤聯盟」Ivy league名校「哈佛大學」Harvard University繼續攻讀「臨床心理學」Clinical Psychology,享受著寫作、跳舞等和朋友相聚的時光。