惹火尤物拉丁名模蘇菲亞薇賈拉Sofia Vergara,曾在哥倫比亞擔任百事可樂的代言人,後來主持電視節目。索菲婭曾與好萊塢巨星湯姆克魯斯傳出緋聞,也是歐美體壇巨星追捧的目標。
她在FHM2003年全球一百位性感美人中名列74位,《Maxim》“03火辣100年度女性”中超過英國女星凱莉布魯克 Kelly Brook 排名第六.
Nothing like a mouthful of voluptuous Colombian boobs in the morning to get you going. This South American beauty is like mostly cleavage to the point its just taking attention from a very pretty face. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Good lord, those things are huge
Someone made the right decision to invite Sofia Vergara to the Elton John AIDS Foundation Oscar Viewing Party. That’s the first thing they teach you in business school. The bigger the breasts the bigger the donations. It’s true. I know a guy who knows a guy who attended class once. Business class.