NYMag recently asked themselves the age old question of “How can I trick Lindsay Lohan into getting naked?” The answer was glaringly obvious. Prey on her need for attention, but mask it as something artsy like a tribute to Marilyn Monroe. What does Lindsay Lohan have in common with Marilyn Monroe? Very little actually. They both have/had a drug problem and big boobs. That’s about it. NYMag says,

Shot at the Hotel Bel-Air on February 5, the photos of Lohan as Monroe duplicate the 1962 originals down to the lighting, the shellacked blonde wig Lohan wears, and her willingness to appear in little more than a chiffon scarf. Regarding the nudity, Lohan tells the magazine: “I was comfortable with it,” though she confesses to having done “250 crunches” the night before the shoot. Lohan sees the Monroe photos (and by extension her own) as a way of regaining power: “Here is a woman who is giving herself to the public. She’s saying, ‘Look, you’ve taken a lot from me, so why don’t I give it to you myself.’ She’s taking control back.”

Update: Full size of the ones that matter here, here, here and her. Ultra HQ here, here, here and here. I’m moving this to the top so everyone can see it.

Lindsay’s mom approves
Dina Lohan approves of Lindsay Lohan’s recent nude Marilyn Monroe photo shoot for New York magazine saying it was tastefully done.
“I respect the photographer as an artist, so I look at them artistically. For him to call Lindsay 46 years later and to say can you recreate these photos is an honor. I looked at it as art, and as Lindsay doing a character. So I don’t look at them like it’s Playboy; she was being a character. So if you look at it that way, you can look at it as a mother.”And Dina adds that had the photos been inappropriate, Lindsay’s sister Ali would not have visited the set. “Trust me,” Dina tells PEOPLE, “I wouldn’t have sent my 14-year-old to the set [if the shoot was in bad taste]. And obviously Lindsay wouldn’t do anything with her sister there, that was risqué.”
It’s art when you play a character. It’s porn if you’re just yourself. That’s why girls like Lindsay Lohan are easily tricked. You could dress her up as a cheerleader and tell her she’s going to be playing the part of a promiscuous girl ready to take on the entire Lakers roster. That’s classy. If you just told her to go out and have sex with all of them, that would just be a filthy gang bang. See the difference?