ARTiST: Adele
LABEL: XL Recordings
STORE DATE: 2008/1/28
Adele - Vocals and Guitar
Ben Thomas - Guitar
Steve Holness - Keys
Tom Driessler - Bass
Louis Shapre - Drums
The Wired Strings - Strings
Release Notes:
'19' is the debut album by London songstress Adele. In a vocal and style 懷舊 reminiscent of 艾美懷絲 Amy Winehouse, 伊特珍(伊塔詹姆絲)Etta James and 艾拉‧費茲潔羅 Ella Fitzgerald this is an album that easily justifies the comparisons. Smoky, lingering vocals lament tales of lost love and heartbreak whilst retaining a positive charm. Features the singles 'Chasing Pavements' and 'Hometown Glory'.
01. Daydreams 3:40
02. Best For Last 4:18
03. Chasing Pavements 3:30
04. Cold Shoulder 3:11
05. Crazy For You 3:28
06. Melt My Heart To Stone 3:23
07. First Love 3:10
08. Right As Rain 3:17
09. Make You Feel My Love 3:32
10. My Same 3:15
11. Tired 4:18
12. Hometown Glory 4:31不論中外,結他唱作人路線有如歷久不衰依然受盡青睞,近年他方的英國陸續有不少新鮮上陣的唱作型女歌手,今次有被譽為「新Amy Winehouse」的Adele。
年僅19歲的Adele生於英國Tottenham,自幼受爵士樂薰陶,如Ella Fitzgerald和Etta Jame都是她陪伴她成長的「音樂老師」。早於14歲已開始作曲,及後畢業於著名表演藝術學府BRIT School,亦即與Kate Nash、Amy Winehouse和Katie Melua等人份屬校友。畢業後曾跟隨不少音樂人作巡演樂手,如Jamie T、Amos Lee和Keren Ann等。
早前由BBC舉辦,邀請眾多樂評人及傳媒揀選的150位“New Music Talent”中,Adele被選為榜首因而備受各界注目。Mika和Corinne Bailey Rae之前均是此選舉得主,觀乎前輩的成績,小妮子的行程被看好。同時她亦當選為《Brit Awards Critics’ Choice Prize》的得獎者,再加上身為著名廠牌XL Recordings中人,她大有機會在08年新人當中脫穎而出。
07年底分別推出了兩張單曲〈Hometown Glory〉和〈Chasing Pavements〉,直至本月底首張專輯《19》才上市。儘管年紀輕輕,但她的唱腔並不幼嫩,混合騷靈的技巧及具爆發力的演譯,唱功不容忽視。有人認為她的聲線像Dusty Springfield和Jill Scott,那略帶低沉而沙啞的嗓子頗適合唱爵士和藍調。
據她所說這張專輯是關於18至19歲年青人的愛情,是一張比較失落的唱片。但從單曲〈Chasing Pavements〉和〈Hometown Glory〉的旋律中,滲透出的成熟韻味,並非年輕愛侶的小情小愛。
〈Daydreamer〉中以Acoustic結他作伴奏,刻意放輕的唱腔結合旋律流露出簡樸之美。同類型的〈Melt My Heart To Stone〉則較具節奏感,那充滿感情的演譯,更為動聽。
喜歡寫詩的她,在寫歌詞的時候亦有滲進其中,盡顯才情。當Amy Winehouse過著荒唐日子之時,且看她會否藉此機會攀上更高位置。
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (born 1988 in Tottenham, London), is an English soul/Jazz singer.
Adele graduated from BRIT School in Croydon in May 2006. In July 2006, Adele published two songs on the fourth issue of online arts publication PlatformsMagazine.com . Since then Adele has toured playing small UK gigs. She has toured with best friend Jack Peñate, as well as Jamie T, Raul Midon, Devendra Banhart, Amos Lee, Keren Ann and the band Exist. Adele went on her first UK headlining tour in October 2007.
Adele's first record Hometown Glory, in which she sings the praises of Tottenham, was released on 22 October 2007 as a limited edition 7" vinyl on Jamie T's label Pacemaker Recordings, with B Side Best For Last. A member since 12/31/2004, Adele became popular on MySpace as she used the web as site as a media focus and test point for songs.
She then signed to independent music label XL Recordings, which in January 2008 released her second single Chasing Pavements .
Chasing Pavements peaked at Number 1 on the iTunes UK Chart.