黑色會2CD 醉心盤 Back To Black【Deluxe Edition】
AMY WINEHOUSE - BACK TO BLACK [DELUXE EDITION], 2CD album released UK November 5th 2007.
'Back To Black' was the second studio album by English singer-songwriter Amy Winehouse, released by Island Records in October 2006.
The album contains the singles 'Rehab', 'You Know I'm No Good', 'Back to Black', and 'Tears Dry On Their Own'. During its first two weeks on sale, Back to Black sold a total of 70,784 copies in the UK, including 43,021 in its first week. By the end of the year, the album had been certified platinum.
To date, the album has sold more than 1,478,182 copies in the UK [reaching the million mark on June 13th 2007], and for the week ending January 27th 2007, sold 30,000 copies more than any other album. It achieved its peak of number one on the UK Albums Chart for the week ending January 20, 2007, and with sales of more than 1,180,479 is currently the UK's biggest-selling album of 2007.
The album was reissued as a Deluxe Edition on November 5th 2007 in the UK. The Deluxe Edition features the original studio album, as well as a bonus disc including various b-sides, rare, and live tracks, including the single 'Valerie' which was originally only available on Mark Ronson's 'Version' album. It has not been announced whether or not the Deluxe Edition will be released outside of the United Kingdom.
靈魂特調 全球上癮
葛萊美獎、全英音樂獎、MTV大獎 都說她是個好東西
橫掃2007英國音樂獎「最佳女歌手」、Q雜誌「最佳專輯」、MOBO音樂獎「最佳英國女歌手」、MTV歐洲音樂獎「藝人優選」、Ivor Novello獎「最佳當代歌曲”Rehab”」…等后冠加冕
23歲女生的聲音在你心中定位如何?會是呈現如何化學酵素反應?Amy Winehouse極為超齡的獨特嗓音,帶出Motown音樂黃金時期的美好,簡單的聆聽感動,揉合爵士、藍調、靈魂隨性與迷人音場,以白人身份譜出黑人Soulful線條,韌性十足的在她寬廣音域中,添進引人入勝之情緒反應,令人心醉的深陷其中,無法自拔。
2003年當時才剛滿20歲的Amy推出首張大碟『Frank』,入選Echoes「英國年度最佳靈魂樂專輯」,以及兩座英國音樂獎提名、水晶音樂獎提名、英國創作人最高榮譽Ivor Novello音樂獎加冕。第二張專輯【Back To Black】問世,依然架構在濃厚節奏藍調與靈魂復古味覺中。成功擄獲國際樂壇的注意,英國累績五白金,美國銷售超越一百二十萬張,同時讓Amy獲獎無數,包括:英國音樂獎「最佳女歌手」、Q雜誌「最佳專輯」、MOBO音樂獎「最佳英國女歌手」、MTV歐洲音樂獎「藝人優選」、英國詞曲創作學院的Ivor Novello獎「最佳當代歌曲”Rehab”」…等加冕。
曾有酗酒問題的Amy,寫出短暫進出戒酒中心的首波主攻曲“Rehab”,還真像一位喉嚨長期飽受酒精高濃度灼傷後所唱出的聲音,卻異常迷人且別具風味;披上爵士與節奏藍調舞動彩衣的“You Know I’m No Good”,雖藉此曲來檢視自己對愛人的不忠,卻似乎沒有懺悔之意,並伴著一絲理直氣壯的態度;取樣靈魂樂男爵Marvin Gayen與Tammi Terrell經典對唱佳作”Ain’t No Mountain High Enogh”,將“Tears Dry On Their Own”散發出更為醇濃的Motown靈魂之聲;混融Old-Skool/Jazzy Soul與厚實貝斯線條組合而成的“He Can Only Hold Her”,為此輯畫下絕對滿足感。

此張升級版雙CD,超載七首獨家新曲,首支助陣於身兼DJ、製作人、混音師等多重身份的紐約夜店當紅DJ Mark Ronson專輯「Version」中之“Valerie”,登上英國金榜以及下載雙亞軍+節奏藍調和點播榜雙冠軍+愛爾蘭榜季軍;接續“Cupid”、“Monkey Man”的輕鬆雷鬼風格,引來一陣搖擺寫意的氣流;“Some Unholy War”則是以空心吉他簡單伴唱;“Hey Little Rich Girl”洋溢著夏威夷迷人韻味;濃厚的靈魂藍調“To Know Him Is To Love Him”,讓人有種置身昏黃小酒吧,叼著煙喝著小酒,一身微醺,搭配聆聽之陶醉佳作;2007年底全新主攻“Love Is A Losing Game”的苦澀情歌小品,獻上以Acoustic吉他伴奏的自彈自唱Demo版。
1. Rehab 戒了吧 2. You Know I’m No Good 你知道我不好 3. Me & Mr Jones 我與瓊斯先生 4. Just Friends 只是朋友 5. Back To Black 黑色會 6. Love Is A Losing Game 愛是失敗遊戲 7. Tears Dry On Their Own 淚已乾 8. Wake Up Alone 孤獨醒來 9. Some Unholy War 骯髒戰役 10. He Can Only Hold Her 只想抓住她 11. Addicted 上癮
01. Valerie 薇樂麗 02. Cupid 丘比特 03. Monkey Man 猿人 04. Some Unholy War 骯髒戰役 05. Hey Little Rich Girl – feat. Zalon & Ade 嗨!小富婆 06. To Know Him Is To Love Him 愛他=懂他 07. Love Is A Losing Game [Original Demo] 愛是失敗遊戲[Demo版]