
Live Nation Ties Up Madonna

The much rumored Madonna deal that has the Material Girl leaving WMG for an all inclusive deal Live Nation appears to be on. Price tag $120 million. Rather than me rehashing the wire services stories, you can the full text of Wall Street Journal article here.
Yes this seems like sad day for WMG and a smart move by Live Nation. But what does it really mean?
In fact Warner's should really be patting themselves on the back At least they resisted the temptation to overpay an aging artist to up a recording contract at a time when no one is paying for music.
Moreover, very few artists pack the one two recorded and live punch that Madonna does and would thus be worthy of or benefit from this kind of deal. This is really just another worthy experiment at a time when experimentation is long overdue.
娜姊跳槽創天價 賣聲契39.6億 【劉以安╱綜合報導】
「娜姊」瑪丹娜(Madonna)跳槽改寫樂壇紀錄,她將以創天價1億2千萬美元(約39億6千萬元台幣)委身巡演廠商「Live Nation」,對廝守23年的老東家華納唱片公司大唱「分手快樂」!
美國《華爾街日報》報導,49歲的娜姊跳出舊有唱片體制,與巡演廠商「Live Nation」簽下「超值套餐」賣身契,內容包含她先拿5億9千4百萬元台幣,日後發行3張新專輯酬勞共16億8千3百萬元台幣,加上世界巡演利潤,合約總值近40億元台幣,打敗6年前惠妮休斯頓與BMG續約價33億元台幣。
「Live Nation」籌辦娜姊巡演多年,從門票、周邊商品獲利超過132億元台幣,並將她拱上「全球巡演最賺女藝人」。娜姊1982年出道就與華納唱片公司合作,累積唱片銷量達2億張,兩造合約中尚餘1張錄音室新碟,將在明春之前問世。
天后高價跳槽時有所聞,6年前瑪麗亞凱莉棄Sony養育之恩,以26億4千萬元台幣酬勞投向維京唱片懷抱,結果專輯失利,維京付違約金17億元台幣逐她出門;她於環球唱片東山再起,新碟12月4日發行。珍娜傑克遜今年與維京約滿,偷偷回頭找前東家A&M,據悉簽約金遠低於當年維京挖角價16億5千萬元台幣。 隱藏部分的文章