之前曾傳出AA懷孕的消息,但一直都未得到AA本人回應,3/7在官網 http://alessandraambrosio.com/ 終於向大家證實這個消息是真的,並且附上一張最近的照片與粉絲分享她的喜悅,以下是其內容

Hi everyone!

First of all, i would like to wish a happy new year to everybody and say that i have been really busy working a lot. Also, I would like to announce some really great news! My boyfriend Jamie and I were surprised in the beginning of the year with some delightful news that we are expecting our first child together!

This is a dream come true and a really special moment in our lives! I'm very happy to say that our baby looks healthy and that we are really excited to be mom and dad and raising a child together. I hope this year for you all has started full of amazing surprises like it has been with me.

For the time being, I ready to start to enjoy and dedicate myself to this new chapter in my life and I hope to be working soon enriched by our love for our new baby.


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