目前分類:país 国家 (432)

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Label Waterbear Records/Sony BMG

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12. Mai 2003
Label: Cheyenne R (Universal)

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Astra Records

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Leaves' Eyes - Into Your Light

Label Napalm

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15 septembre 2008

- Edition Collector CD+DVD [Limited Edition]

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The NEW album. OUT NOW on iTunes and coming soon on CDBaby.com

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FR:Filles Sourires

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FR:Filles Sourires

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Warner Music

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Matador Records

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Rls Date : 2008/11/6
Rls Type : Album

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Label: Red Int / Red Ink

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The French electro pop singer now living in the US releases on August 19th her debut album “Stubborn” on Mulatta Records.

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1st Decade

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big pond music / Sony Music

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