巴西寶貝,超模阿德瑞娜.利瑪 / 迷倒了歐美時尚界荷蘭美女,杜晨.科洛斯
Posted on Thursday, August 21st, 2008
Emailer writes:
This is a preview from the upcoming ”Supermodels Obsessions” book by Victoria’s Secret, featuring Adriana Lima and Doutzen Kroes.
In celebration of the Supermodel Obsessions launch, supermodels Adriana Lima and Doutzen Kroes will make a personal appearance at the Victoria’s Secret store at Herald’s Square. The angels will also host an autograph signing for customers:
Tuesday, August 26th, 2008
Victoria’s Secret store at Herald’s Square
34th Street and Broadway, NYC.
Press call time: 9:30 AM
Photo op and interviews: 10 AM
Autograph signing: 12 – 2 PM
