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支持好音樂 4/29請就近付費選購!!

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***most music blogs i visit these days have gone private to prevent the random label lackey getting sent out to report any sites..***

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下周應該換預購高達5萬張的에픽하이 (Epik High) - one了

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Taiwan ready for ''Hard Candy''!!

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衰到最高點 心中有衰衰的天天都便宜 家樂福..不知還有沒有雙手反綁 背後插個牌子,拖出來公審的場面?
小葉 0419

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偶像 金福實 CF中粉艷麗耶...很喜歡這團的調調兒

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你信麼?尼國圖片充拉薩 德國媒體稱"忘記加注"

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April 14th, 2008
A sex tape featuring late screen siren Marilyn Monroe performing oral sex on an unidentified male has been sold to a New York City businessman for $1.5 million, the New York Post reports.

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updated!! 這回...又被某些網民說成漢奸!!

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Who knows the song in this video?

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During her visit to South Africa to support Benji Madden’s band, Paris Hilton wanted to buy a cheetah. Not a stuffed animal cheetah mind you, but a real, flesh tearing one.

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Saturday, April 05, 2008

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Friday, April 4, 2008

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