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民調 陳幸妤為了洗錢案激動發飆,請問你同情她嗎?

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(08/18/2008) President Chen Shui-bian admitted last week that his son and daughter-in-law held overseas bank accounts on his behalf. Conveniently, the son (Chen Chih-chung) and daughter-in-law (Huang Jui-ching) had just left Taiwan with their daughter for the United States just days before that famous press conference. The world is demanding that the son and daughter-in-law return to Taiwan to face the investigators/prosecutor. The mother of the daughter-in-law is Wu Lee-hua has just returned from the United States with the granddaughter. The press was waiting, but Wu Lee Hua was well-prepared.

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看拎老師....即聲栽戲阿喔 真的害死民進黨
小葉 0815

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「金牌大風」雄霸兩岸三地當紅歌手 黃柏高鄭東漢聯手 億元鯨吞大中華EMI

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【聯合晚報╱國際新聞組/綜合報導】 2008.07.30 03:00 pm

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《忽然一周》態度軟化 向李亞鵬女兒李嫣道歉

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瑪丹娜婚變未定 緋聞男友妻子已申請離婚

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Smiling watermelon picture Attention please, all of men! No joke! If you want to have a quality bed time with the wife, you are advised to not to simply throw away the watermelon rind but to eat it also after you finish up the flesh. Because citruline in the watermelon rind were found the viagra-like function and may even increase libido by the researchers in Texas A&M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center! Other than that, eating more watermelon rind may also have a beneficial effect on your heart. Source: Ktka.com

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Sharon Stone apologizes for remark on China quake

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唉 仙人打鼓有時錯 偷竊被捉誰人無.........嘉樂府歡迎你

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(Cant.) skinny, tiny; to jerk, dangle

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Here are images from the Madonna event held in 羅馬Rome last night at Mondadori music store in Via Del Corso. Fans could buy the album at midnight (after a long queu) and catch a performance of cover group Into The Groove Band. Click to enalrge.

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2008-04-23 10:53:07
來源: 南方都市報

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She is set to re-release her debut solo album "The Dutchess" in May!! As well as having the chance to record : The Movie" out in theaters May 30th! The song titled "Labels Or Love" samples the Sex and the City theme while adding new lyrics. It's a fun uptempo track which fits perfect to start off the film.

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