人生無常..放個尿出來 就輸球了;哪天一覺醒來..學校都改升五星旗 play義勇軍進行曲.台灣被KMT賣掉都不知道?真是趕羚羊!!!!!!!
目前分類:prc阿薩布魯不辣閤 (93)
- Aug 15 Fri 2008 15:00
CHINA Live 太扯了! 中華台北7:8輸給中國
- Aug 08 Fri 2008 18:25
CHINA 唔識抵死題..罰跑鳥巢bird's nest 8圈?
Where Are The Locations Of The Five Stars? (08/08/2008) (Tianya Forum) Why do some mainlanders hold bad opinions about Hong Kong'ers? Sometimes, it is the latter who are "arrogant, overbearing, uncultured and supercilious." Here are screen captures from a Hong Kong TVB television quiz show in which the six children of famous entertainers (such as Sammo Hung, Lydia Shum, Wang Jing, etc) were asked to draw the locations of the five stars of the national flag. Five out of the six failed. This Internet forum post is widely circulated on the mainland Internet forums.
- Jul 19 Sat 2008 18:29
CHINA 是一國嗎? 那先借一艘航母來去釣魚台!
- Jul 14 Mon 2008 21:14
CHINA Amnesty Internatonal's Award Winning Print Ads
- Jul 14 Mon 2008 21:09
CHINA Earthquake Memorial Wall
(07/12/2008) (People's Net via CReaders.net)
- Jul 05 Sat 2008 19:45
CHINA 趣味的縱深之 大爺請多賞點銀兩吧 我們正水深火熱著呢
2.也別把人家(聯合國成員)說成瘟神似的..大爺他有錢 愛上哪兒玩 就上哪兒玩
- Jul 04 Fri 2008 22:53
CHINA 祖國寶島台灣松山機場的一條熱血狗DALTON的哀嚎悲歌
檢疫犬值勤受關注 一隻意外受傷送醫急救
- Jul 02 Wed 2008 18:31
CHINA 直航前夕 共軍對台飛彈換新
- Jul 02 Wed 2008 03:30
CHINA 女學生被姦殺 The Weng'an Mass Incident 引起動亂 2
(Xinhua via Daqi.com)
On June 30, the Guizhou provincial party secretary and provincial people's congress standing committee chairman Shi Zhongyuan rushed to Weng'an county to personally supervise the handling of the 6.28 incident ... At around 11am, Secretary Shi Zhongyuan arrived at the scene of the incident; he went deep among the people to understand the situation; he met with militia and armed police officers. At around noon, Secretary Shi Zhongyuan left the scene and held a meeting with the relevant Weng'an county leaders; he summoned the school principals and education department director to listen to their reprots; he invited more than 100 county people's congress delegates and political consultative conference members to attend a forum. They representatives enthusiastically condemned the criminal elements whose smashing, vandalizing, looting and arson have seriously damaged the images of Weng'an county and Guizhou province, the excellent social and economic development of Weng'an county and disrupted the unity and harmony of the county and the province. The representatives asked the Party Committee and the government to severely punish the saboteurs and defend social stability and harmony. At 7pm, Shi Zhongyuan proceeded to another meeting in Yongyang town with veteran cadres, representatives of the masses, businesses operators, middle school students and teachers and other eyewitnesses of the mass incident.
- Jun 29 Sun 2008 16:33
CHINA 女學生被姦殺 raped and killed 引起動亂 貴州甕安縣政府大樓被燒
(Ming Pao; anti-CNN.com) (Warning: Unconfirmed, conflicting stories are being circulated on the Internet, but those photos do not lie)
- May 04 Sun 2008 14:50
CHINA 央視封殺超女快男 CCTV Boycotts Super Girls and Happy Boys
CCTV Boycotts Super Girls and Happy Boys(05/04/2008)
(Blog of a CCTV program director)
- Apr 25 Fri 2008 23:49
CHINA Shanghai 上海报纸网站弹出大幅广告 严辞要求CNN道歉
Newspaper Front Page (04/25/2008)
(Wenxue City) This is the front page of the current affairs section of News Times (in Shanghai). The advertisement was paid for by News Times itself.
- Apr 25 Fri 2008 23:37
CHINA Carrefour Cancels Sales Promotions 家乐福取消五一促销
2008年4月25日 稿源:[南方都市報]
- Apr 25 Fri 2008 01:01
CHINA 法新路透美联搜索引擎屏蔽反藏独信息??
防火長城,也稱中國防火牆或中國國家防火牆,是對中華人民共和國政府在其管轄網際網路內部建立的多套網路審查系統(包括相關行政審查系統)的俗稱。其名稱得自於2002年5月17日Charles R. Smith所寫的一篇關於中國網路審查的文章《The Great Firewall of China》,取與Great Wall(長城)相諧的效果,簡寫為Great Firewall,縮寫GFW,戲稱功夫網。隨著使用的廣泛,GFW已被用於動詞,GFWed是指被防火長城所屏蔽。
- Apr 23 Wed 2008 22:43
CHINA Dongguan 東莞家樂福(2008/4/21)被迫關門 現場出動防暴員警
Carrefour in Dongguan
- Apr 19 Sat 2008 21:38
CHINA The Chinese Traitor Jin Jing! 可悲的熱血漢奸
(04/19/2008) Previously, Jin Jing had emerged as the heroine of the millennium for China (see The Olympic Torch Tour As Public Relations Disaster).
- Apr 19 Sat 2008 21:26
CHINA Carrefour in Wuhan 武漢
- Apr 19 Sat 2008 21:12
CHINA Carrefour in Shenzhen 深圳罗湖
- Apr 19 Sat 2008 20:24
CHINA Carrefour in Hefei 安徽合肥
(Huashi Times via 文學城博客 Wenxue City) "Mountain of people, sea of people" in front of the Carrefour in Hefei city, Anhui province.
- Apr 19 Sat 2008 02:07
CHINA 慕容萱做人不能太CNN Don't Be Too CNN Song